Find online, buy local

With Dasline you can check where the products you want are available locally so you can easily reserve them and then go shopping!

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All it takes it is just a search. Find products nearby very fast no need to wait for delivery time, no delivery cost. It's Free


No reason not to use it! Dasline is available on Android, iOS, Web, Desktop. It is free to everyone for everything!


Think globally but act locally. With Dasline you support Local Businesses nearby, Your City and Your Region

Launching in Q3 2021join the waitlist!
It all starts with just a search. We look up local businesses on Dasline and provide you the best options nearby very quick on map.
The products & services are displayed on a map with their prices. You can easily compare prices, conditions and availability.
Pick a product and order very fast. Pre-order, reserve or buy it. It costs 0 €. No hidden fees, no delivery costs, no need to wait for it. Just go get it.
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